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Lyons Township Little League

Pitcher Rules

A pitcher once removed from the mound cannot return as a pitcher.
The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age group as noted below, but the pitcher may remain in the game at another position.
Pitch Count Rules by Age:
League Age:
11-12 – 85 pitches per day
9-10 – 75 pitches per day
7-8 – 50 pitches per day
If the pitcher reaches his max in the middle of an at-bat, he must be removed after that at-bat has been resolved.  Also,any player who has played the position of catcher in four or more innings in a game is not eligible to pitch on that calendar day.

Pitchers league age 12 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements:

  • If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.
  • If a player pitches 51-65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.
  • If a player pitches 36-50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
  • If a player pitches 21-35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be observed.
  • If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.

C Ball Rules

Games 1-8 are COACH PITCH and Games 9-16 are KID PITCH
1) Based on the schedule, teams could begin KID PITCH the week of May 20, 2024
2) Try to get through 8 games before beginning KID PITCH (I know rainouts could move
when teams play their 8th game)
3) Feel free to work with coaches to decide if/when teams are ready for KID PITCH

1) Each coach pitches to his/her team.
2) Each batter gets approximately 7 pitches per at bat. If the ball is not hit after 7 pitches
the batter is out. If the batter fouls off the last pitch, they get another one. (Often times
the ball is put in play within the first couple of pitches.) Foul balls are strikes and non-
swings are balls.
a. If coach throws some bad balls, discretion can be used to extend the pitches thrown past seven.

1) Pitch from the mound (42 Feet to home)
2) During kid pitch, once the 4th ball is thrown, the batter’s coach takes over and throws to
the batter. Strikes carry over to when the coach enters. For example, if it’s a 3-2 count
and the pitcher throws ball 4, the batter still has two strikes when the coach enters.
There are strikeouts, but no walks.
3) Umpires will continue to call balls and strikes when the coach is pitching.
4) Hit batters can take the base OR have the coach come into pitch with the same number
of strikes before the batter was hit.
5) 3 strikes is an out
6) Max 2 innings pitched per kid (6 OUTS TOTAL)
a. Coaches must manage pitch counts and pitcher scheduling
7) A pitcher must be removed after third hit batter.
8) If a kid cannot make the plate from the 42 foot pitching rubber, he/she can move up a
few feet (1-2 feet) closer to complete the pitch.
a. Kids who have demonstrated they can pitch from the 42 foot rubber and may be getting tired need to be replaced, not given the opportunity to move up. Rule 7 is for pitchers who cannot start from the 42 foot rubber from the start.

1) There are 3 outs per inning.
2) There is a 5 run limit per inning during regular season games. See tournament game
note below.
3) Catcher in full gear. Please help the catcher get gear on promptly and safely. Be ensure
the throat guard is attached correctly. Male catchers must wear a protective cup. A
coach from the pitcher’s team typically helps with passed balls to speed up play.
4) All players bat. 10 play the field with 4 outfielders (Must play 4 outfielders). All players
must play defense four of the six innings.
5) No leadoffs or advancing on passed balls/wild pitches. Base runners must have a foot on
the bag. Runners can leave the base as the ball crosses the plate.
6) The ball is "dead" and no runner may advance when any infielder has possession of the
ball as determined by umpire's sole discretion. If a base runner is more than halfway to a
base when the ball is determined to be "dead" then the base runner may advance to
that base (umpire discretion). Otherwise, the base runner must return to the last base
7) Runners are not allowed to advance on overthrows at any base.
8) No stealing bases.
9) No bunting.
10) All batters on-base must wear helmets.
11) There is no “on-deck” circle. “On-Deck” batters must stay outside the fence, but with
helmet on ready to bat. There is to be no swinging bats outside the fence/bench area.
12) Games are 6 innings or 1:30 minutes. A new inning cannot be started after 1 hour and
30 minutes of play. Complete the bottom half of an inning if past time.
13) 3 full innings constitutes a “complete game” if weather delays/cancels a game.
14) If the HOME TEAM is winning after the top of the 6th inning, the score is FINAL, but they
may choose to bat if the time limit has not been reached.

1) To ensure the integrity of the game and Lyons Township Little League baseball, we will
be following Little League International bat rules. The official rule is below. Bats should
be fine if they meet the following two criteria...
a. USA Baseball logo stamped on the bat
b. Bat barrel does not exceed 2 5/8 in diameter
Non-wood and laminated bats used in the Little League (Majors) and below,
Intermediate (50-70) Division, and Junior League divisions, shall bear the USA Baseball
logo signifying that the bat meets the USABat – USA Baseball’s Youth Bat Performance
Standard. All BPF – 1.15 bats are prohibited. The bat diameter shall not exceed 25⁄8
inches for these divisions of play. Additional information is available

1) Practices can begin after safety meeting/equipment checkout (Early April)
2) Regular season games run from April 22nd – June 14th
3) Playoffs are June 17-20, with rain date scheduled for June 21st
4) No games scheduled on Memorial Day (May 27th)
5) Kid pitch can begin after 8 games played (Week of May 20th)

1) The LTLL C-Ball tournament will be the week following the final regular season games.
Trophies will be provided to 1st and 2nd place teams.
2) All tournament games will abide by the regular season rules except the 5-Run rule per
inning. In all tournament games, the 5-Run rule is suspended during the final inning of
the game during the playoffs.
3) The tournament will be seeded based on final win/loss percentage. If there are ties, tie
breaker procedures are as follows...
a. Head-to-head (only applies when two teams are involved)
b. Runs Allowed – Fewest to most (KID PITCH GAMES ONLY)
c. Run Differential – Most to fewest (KID PITCH GAMES ONLY)
d. Coin Flip
4) Tournament Schedule – 1 Seed gets a 1st Round Bye / Friday is rain date
a. GAME 1 – 4 Seed vs. 5 Seed – Monday at Ridgewood
b. GAME 2 – 2 Seed vs. 7 Seed – Tuesday at Ridgewood
c. GAME 3 – 3 Seed vs 6 Seed – Tuesday at Countryside
d. GAME 4 – 1 Seed vs. Winner of Game 1 – Wednesday at Ridgewood
e. GAME 5 – Winner of Game 2 vs Winner of Game 3 – Wednesday at Countryside
f. GAME 6 – Winner of Game 4 vs. Winner of Game 5 – Championship Game – Thursday at Ridgewood

T Ball Rules

T Ball Rules:

1st Basemen and Pitchers must wear batting helmets

Each batter (except the final hitter) advances 1 base regardless of outcome
     There are no strike-outs or put-outs.  As a result, there is no score.

The last batter hits a home run clearing the bases

All players must bat and play the field

There is no catcher

Foul balls are called at the discretion of the coach
     I.e. a dribbler in front of the plate can be different for a 6 yr old vs a 4 yr old

Play 3 full innings unless called for darkness

Transition to coach pitch after the mid season break is voluntary by team and by player
     If a kid does not want to hit coach pitch, they can hit exclusively off the T
     Allow the player around 5 pitches that are hittable.  Then move to the T
     Please have another coach play catcher and set-up the batter
     Coaches discretion on calling foul balls during coach pitch.       

Majors and Minors rules

Minors and Majors Rules:

Coaches are encouraged to exchange rosters before the start of the game. This is a requirement for playoff games.

Games are 6 innings

Coaches must set a continuous batting order that includes all players that are in attendance for the game. A player may not sit out of the field more than 3 innings in a game. If a player will be arriving after the third inning, the coach must notify the opposing team’s coach and the umpire before the start of the game. The player arriving late must be added to the bottom of the line up. 

After 4 or more complete innings, if a team is up by 12 or more runs, the game is over and complete

4 Balls is a walk 
Hit by Pitch takes 1st Base

There is stealing after the ball reaches the plate.

No Lead-Offs

Substitute players: If a team does not have 9 players for a game, the coach can arrange for a player from the division below to substitute. For example, Majors team can ask a player from a Minors team to sub. 

Minors Only:
If there are 2 outs and the catcher for the next inning is on base, the coach can call time-out and pinch run for the catcher with the batter that made the last out.. This will speed up play.  Please ensure the player puts on the catcher gear and is ready to go.
You can not steal Home in the Minor Division.


Lyons Township Little League


Email: [email protected]

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