In an effort to promote competitive balance among teams, Lyons Township Little League has implemented the following "Buddy Rule":
1. Buddies are entirely optional. Many new and enduring friendships have been developed on the diamond during the Little League season among players and parents alike
2. For t-ball, we make an effort to place kids that attend the same school, live in the same neighborhood, etc. on the same team. Please consider that t-Ball teams are small- 8 kids. Please keep your buddy requests to one buddy and that buddy should request the other player.
3. For C Ball- a child may select 1 buddy. That buddy must request the other child. So Player A can request Player B to be his buddy. Player B must also request Player A for there to be a match. If Player B requests Player C, Player A and B will not be paired. This rule has been implemented to prevent the chaining of players. Under an unfettered buddy system, Player A requests Player B, Player B requests C, and so on. That can result in competitive unbalance as most of the 2nd graders are on a team and the other team is composed of 1st graders. There will be no exceptions to this 1 to 1 rule.
4. For Majors and Minors (A and B Ball)- there are no buddies. You can suggest a player as a buddy in the comments and the coaches will consider that during the Draft, but not guaranteed. Best friends are, however, welcome to talk smack to each other throughout the season. An easy work-around is to Head Coach w/ your kid's buddy as an Ass't Coach.
5. A Head Coach may designate 1 Ass't Coach before the Draft. We welcome everyone to Coach and help-out and will register you as such. But we are not putting 8 coaches on 1 team as a work-around to the Buddy Rule.
6. Siblings in the same division (i.e. a 1st and 2nd grader playing C Ball) will be placed on the same team (unless otherwise requested). The sibling will count as their buddy. We will also place twins, triplets, etc. on the same team.